The body to body Massage is a deeply seductive form of Adult Massage Therapy. Your mouth-watering masseuse delicately introduces a warm infusion of pure, natural oil to your tired torso whilst sliding and gliding herself against your intimate, erogenous zones.

Your maseuse will entice you to succumb to a state of rapture and complete relaxation by massaging every inch of you with her magical hands and lovely lithe body.

These rhythmic and sensuous body to body Massage slides, intricate tender touch and slow soothing strokes will build you up to a racy rollercoaster ride of excitement until at long last you release your tsunami of tension and consequently feel revived and revitalised.

Tantric body to body massage is a wonderful way in which to view and celebrate the female form in all its bare naked glory. The Body to Body massage experience is artistic and elegant, enthralling and intensely erotic.

Sensual body to body massages are certainly not for the faint-hearted! Be prepared to be dazzled and devoured! Mesmeric masseuses will take you to the summit of pure hedonistic bodily pleasure and release you of all your stress and tension. Isn’t it good to sometimes let another take control? Fulfil those innermost secret fantasies with the most sensual body to body massage.